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Additional Education Resume Samples
Middle School Counselor Resume Samples
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0-5 years of experience
- Shows authentic concern for students in one-on-one, group, and classroom counseling sessions.
- Proactively reaches out to families to communicate student needs and how they can be met.
- Facilitates academic improvement meetings with staff members and board personnel.
- Chairs Efficiency Committee and School Counseling Advisory Program Council.
- Builds and seeks out ways to improve master and student schedules.
0-5 years of experience
- Provide comprehensive guidance and academic planning
- Facilitate parent/student/teacher conferences
- Conduct personal and crisis student counseling
- Provide instruction for career awareness, social-emotional learning, and high school transition
0-5 years of experience
- Meet with students to create and revise schedules
- Meet with students in groups and individually for various academic and social reasons
- Meet with parents and students to plan for future schooling and career goals
- Work with faculty and staff to make sure all students have an equal opportunity for education