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Additional Environmental Resume Samples
Environmental Geologist Resume Samples
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6-10 years of experience
- Perform all work related to / and assist in composing Phase I & Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Reports to categorize and delineate contamination stemming from petroleum impacted, hazardous waste and drycleaner sites.
- Record data, prepare reports, create lithographic maps, provide analysis, use GIS applications to create charts, maps, graphs, etc. based on interpretations of my findings.
- Coordinate with sub-contractors to install monitoring wells and oversee the installation of remediation systems and other related equipment.
- Perform groundwater and soil sampling.
- Perform O&M on remediation systems.
- Project Management
- Field lead for multiple FDOT environmental assessment projects with a total of over $5 million in billable revenue.
- Trained other field staff, managed subcontractors and oversaw the installation of over 900+ soil and groundwater sampling locations spanning across multiple projects.
- Maintained a strong working relationship with clients, subcontractors, and laboratories throughout my tenure.
- Entrusted with the maintenance and repair of all field sampling equipment including multiparameter probes, various meters, gas analyzers, photo and flame ionization detectors.
0-5 years of experience
- Conducts Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) involving soil, groundwater, and soil gas at commercial and industrial facilities
- Prepares technical reports which include investigative summaries, recommendations, tabulated analytical results, and soil boring logs
- Provides recommendation based on state requirements for remediation prior to realty transactions or redevelopment projects involving residential, commercial, and industrial properties
- Prepares proposals, budgets, and work plans for project scopes related to Phase II investigations, site remediation, UST removals, UST in-place closures, non-hazardous soil disposal, hazardous soil treatment, and on-site groundwater treatment
0-5 years of experience
- Make all forms of GIS maps including contaminants dispersion and site mitigation.
- Evaluate site geology before remediation
- Create charts, data spreadsheets and compile all forms of working documents crucial to various projects.