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Utility Worker Duties and Responsibilities

The responsibilities of a Utility Worker vary based on the work environment; however, all Utility Workers have some duties in common. We reviewed several job advertisements to determine the core duties of a Utility Worker.

Maintain Clean Facilities

A Utility Worker must maintain a clean work area at all times. In many cases, Utility Workers are also responsible for cleaning other areas of a work site. For example, a kitchen utility worker is responsible for cleaning dishes and cooking equipment, while a manufacturing utility worker may be responsible for cleaning production machines.

Comply with Safety Standards

Utility Workers often handle cleaning fluids and other hazardous chemicals. It is up to the Utility Worker to follow posted safety standards and wear personal protective equipment when necessary. If a chemical spill occurs, the Utility Worker must clean up the spill in accordance with company policy and established safety standards.

Inspect Finished Projects

After completing a project, the Utility Worker must conduct an inspection to ensure the project turned out correctly. For example, a Utility Worker responsible for trimming shrubs must inspect each shrub to determine if additional trimming is needed. A Utility Worker who maintains vehicles has to inspect the vehicle to ensure all the parts have been replaced correctly.

Repair and Replace Broken Equipment

Employers rely on Utility Workers to repair or replace broken equipment. A Utility Worker may have to repair fleet vehicles, troubleshoot power tools or replace a broken component on a production machine. While repairing equipment, a Utility Worker must use the correct personal protective equipment and follow company policies intended to prevent injuries.

Locate Parts and Tools

Before starting a new task, a Utility Worker must locate the parts and tools needed to complete the task successfully. If a Utility Worker is tasked with oiling a machine, for example, the worker needs to locate a bottle of machine oil and a pair of work gloves before completing the task.


Utility Worker Skills

A Utility Worker must have excellent manual dexterity and the ability to work with a variety of equipment. Successful utility workers learn new skills quickly, manage their time effectively, and spend a lot of time communicating with other staff members. Employers also expect Utility Worker candidates to have the following skills.

Core skills

We reviewed several job postings to determine what skills are needed to succeed as a Utility Worker. Brush up on these Utility Worker skills to qualify for additional employment opportunities.

  • Operating manual and power tools
  • Repairing mechanical equipment
  • Completing basic maintenance tasks
  • Installing new equipment

Advanced skills

Not all employers require the following Utility Worker skills, but we saw several job postings that listed them as preferred. Broaden your career options by learning these skills.

  • Replacing fluids in cars and trucks
  • Applying pesticides to flowers, trees and shrubs
  • Preparing soil for planting
  • Performing basic plumbing tasks
  • Inspecting safety equipment and requesting needed repairs

Utility Worker Resources

We looked for a variety of resources to help you succeed as a Utility Worker. Our list includes websites, industry groups, and books to help you learn new skills, find job opportunities, and connect with other Utility Workers in your industry.

On the Web

Read industry news and learn about the opportunities available for Utility Workers in the manufacturing industry.

Read the Open Space blog to learn more about the parks and recreation industry.

Industry Groups

Advance your career in the parks and recreation industry by joining the NRPA.

Find out if a job in the manufacturing industry is right for you.

Utility Worker Books

Develop basic repair skills to help you land a job as a Utility Worker.