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Army Officer Resume Samples
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10+ years of experience
Dramatically increased the preparedness of 166 personnel from 60 percent to 100 percent by systematically planning and executing numerous individual and collective training events.
- Resourced personnel assets ensuring a seamless reception and integration into positions that would produce organizational and personal growth.
- Managed the increase of equipment operational readiness to over 95 percent through development of a recognized maintenance program.
- Trained and mentored over 150 junior executives for positions with joint, multinational, and high level service organizations.
- Led multiple motivational exercises increasing morale and employee productivity.
- Developed and modified curricula to exceed standards of excellence in the training of future leadership.
- Consistently managed accountability of over $35 million in parts and supplies while simultaneously overseeing over 175 lines of equipment.
- Designed and directed internal and external policies, procedures and processes to minimize total supply chain cost and maximize supply chain effectiveness.
- Bolstered recruitment efforts using competitive strategies, market analysis and effective communication.
- Planned and coordinated training programs for a 20,000 person armored division; conducted monthly training quality inspections on selected units.
- Delivered high-impact presentations on numerous occasions to upper level management resulting in being known as an influential briefer.
6-10 years of experience
Direct command, leadership and management of 50+ soldiers, also worked in small independent teams.
- Operational management of 800+ workforce of engineers, communications and logistics technicians.
- Generation of technical reports and formal briefings to senior management on developing technologies.
- A professionally trained technician in all areas of explosive risk management.
- Consistently graded in the top third of cohorts and recommended for early promotion at each career step.
- UK medallic recognition for 3 operational tours of duty including Libya and Afghanistan.
10+ years of experience
Supervised 43 soldiers recruiting for the US Army and was responsible for quality control of applicant
screening process and waiver process at an operational tempo of 1400 yearly recruitment goal.
- Analyzed and prepared weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly operational efficiency reports of an aviation
- Consolidated monthly inventory reports from 25 subordinate units and prepared summarized inventory
- Planned and coordinated the logistical movement of 250 helicopters and 5000 soldiers in multiple
0-5 years of experience
Performs planning functions to support engineer operations; and develops immediate, intermediate and long range plans for a [company name]. Provides consolidated and coordinated staff estimates and related products required for the development of Operations Orders within the Command. Advises and provides updates to the Commander and staff on battlefield situations and assists the Commander in exercising command and control of current operations.
- Planned, prepared, and executed the Brigade level Yearly Training Brief (YTB) event, while simultaneously planning, preparing, and executing a Headquarters and Headquarters Company level crew served weapons qualification.
- Volunteered for Operation Ulchi Freedom Guardian, Korea, serving above grade as the Joint Operations Center Engineer Liaison.
- Volunteered to serve as Headquarters and Headquarters Company Commander, increasing Soldier Physical Fitness and Combat Readiness
- Initiated Brigade use of Sharepoint Sites, Calendars, and data collaboration.
- Developed a real time system for tracking Overdue Evaluations influencing Brigade policy.
0-5 years of experience
United States Army Officer responsible for learning, displaying, enacting, and embodying the principles of [company name] leadership under physically and mentally demanding conditions.
- Ranked first in my squad of nine personnel at the Infantry Officer Basic Course at Fort Benning, Georgia.
- Selected to serve as Platoon Leader for a one week field exercise to mentor and coach new recruits in basic combat training, teaching them tactical skills and field craft.
- Ranked in top 10% of class in Mechanized Leader’s Course at Fort Benning, GA.
- Selected to serve as personal administrative assistant to the Chief of Staff of Fort Rucker, AL.
10+ years of experience
Led and managed organizations of 40-150 people
- Prepared, executed and evaluated training programs for complex systems costing hundreds of millions of dollars
- Accomplished logistical and structural transition of a 500 person organization under time and under budget
- Prepared media products and public relations briefings for two major commands in Europe and one in the US
6-10 years of experience
Directly supervised the Squadron Flight Operations. Responsible for administering the day-to- day operations of over 500 personnel as well as tracked deployment and redeployment of the unit during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
- Prepared the monthly report status, personnel records, organizational policies, training and evaluation of the staff, recommended and administer policies and procedures, and coordinated training activities.
- Bilingual-fluent in both English and Spanish
- Proficient in txGradebook, Gradespeed, Eduphoria, and Microsoft Office
0-5 years of experience
- Planned and executed leader development training events for over 7,000 personnel
- Directly supervised 40 cadets’ progression through ROTC
- Assisted in Army ROTC recruitment and retention operations for the northwest
- Further improved confidence, leadership, organizational, and public
- Obtained an active Secret Government Clearance
10+ years of experience
Held various command and staff positions of increasing responsibility
- Routinely supervised 10 to 100 subordinates in combat and combat support units
- Determined schedules, sequences, and assignments for work activities, based on work priority, quantity of equipment, and skill of personnel
- Developed, implemented and evaluated Army policies and procedures
10+ years of experience
Rank – Colonel, United States Army Reserve
- Currently assigned to the Individual Ready Reserve and will retire from the Amy Reserves in 2013. Part of the IRR Affiliation Pilot Program.
- Most recent duty tour was in support of the 2011 Army War College’s Annual Strategic Decision Making Exercise as an Observer-Controller.
- Served as the Army’s Medical Evacuation Team Chief at Joint Base Andrews from January 2008 through July 2010. Recognized for superior leadership in caring for Wounded Warriors.
0-5 years of experience
Served as the Lead Administrative Advisor for over 900 personnel for all administrative functions to include personnel actions, strength management, promotions, finance action, awards, and personnel evaluations.
- Observed, received, and obtained administrative systems for five organizations for approximately 900 individuals effectively improving the efficiency of the Human Resources operations for each organization.
- Developed constructive and cooperative working relationships with surrounding organizations, which created a positive work environment by decreasing the number of backlog actions and increasing the number of turnaround time of administrative active actions by 90 percent.
- Supervised the training, health, and welfare of 1 Senior Admin Officer, 4 Senior Human Resource Managers, and 3 Human Resource Specialist which led to skillful success of managing over 900 personnel administration records.
0-5 years of experience
Commissioned at the rank of 2nd Lieutenant on May 16 2015, into the Active Duty Army as an Aviation officer.
- Ranked 1 of 49 in ROTC class
- Senior year served as Cadet Battalion Commander, in charge of 215 soldiers across 6 different schools in Southern California.
- Went to Moldova to train their soldiers in summer of 2012.
- Trained with Army Special Forces summer of 2014.
0-5 years of experience
Completed 11-year career with the U.S. Army. Gained upper-level manager status
- Managed personnel, finance, and automated systems activities.
- Represented commander by establishing goals and objectives, and setting priorities for accomplishing overall organizational functions.
- Assisted the commander in establishing unit and individual training goals and objectives.
- Managed unit and individual training.
- Interpreted training directives and guidance.
- Managed and provided technical review of completed personnel actions.
- Planed and established priorities.
- Provided technical advice regarding design, construction, or program modifications and structural repairs to industrial and managerial personnel
- Prepared or presented public reports on topics such as bid proposals, deeds, environmental impact statements, or property and right-of-way descriptions
0-5 years of experience
Maintain millions of dollars equipment for 40 personal platoon under my command
- Run successful missions in field training for deployments
- Helped evacuated civilians and provided food and shelter during Hurricane Gustav
- Maintain property book for platoon as a supply sergeant with no equipment lost
0-5 years of experience
- Manages and supervises a horizontal construction platoon of 40 soldiers.
- Responsible for the operational readiness of platoon equipment and the platoon overall readiness.
- Establishes policies, plans, resources, executes and assesses training.
- Ensures Soldiers are physically and mentally prepared to accomplish assigned missions.
- Supervises construction operations and assesses manning requirements to ensure projects are completed on schedule.
- Organizes and directs platoon in order to complete various statewide missions involving earthwork and material transportation.
10+ years of experience
Commanded multiple army units with varied missions. Responsible for operational analysis as a Planning Officer for the 28th Infantry Division.
- Provided critical leadership, tactical oversight, and principal coordination for force protection operations in support of over 2,300 Special Operation Soldiers and Sailors dispersed throughout 40 locations in Iraq.
- Responsible for the training, maintenance, safety, strength and morale of units to ensure high state of readiness and support of higher command’s missions and intent – 100 % mission accomplishment.
- Advises Commander, staff, and subordinate commanders on all aspects of chemical matters and assets pertaining to mission needs.
- Managed and had accountability for over 3 million dollars worth of organizational equipment of property.
0-5 years of experience
Basic training, officer candidate school, and honor graduate of basic officer leadership course. Now serving as an Army Officer in the reserves (two days a month) leading a platoon of 42 soldiers.
- Achieved all goals set out for my position through development of motivational and creative solutions while identifying improvements in processes
- Proven ability to motivate teams and manage conflict; ability to provide feedback
- Excellent organizational skills by managing the internal work of the branch
- Demonstrated great problem-solving skills and ability to multi-task
- Planning and presenting information in a desirable, creative way
- Strong ability to read, interpret, and effectively communicate necessary policies and procedures to others
- Continually fostering environments in which diverse backgrounds are respected and valued, both on the job and while volunteering
- Admirable capacity to communicate clearly and effectively to a variety of audiences; strong reasoning, analytical, and organizational skills
0-5 years of experience
Effectively manage a platoon of forty Soldiers.
- Responsible for establishing plans, policies and procedures for all Soldiers.
- Responsible for Soldier evaluations, awards, promotions, reenlistments, and equal opportunity.
- Responsible for the coordination and planning of training exercises, while ensuring safety requirements are met.
- Held accountable for disciplinary actions, counseling, supervising and implementing a plan of action for improvements.
- Responsible for 5.4 million dollars of equipment.
6-10 years of experience
- Led Soldiers in combat operations (Operation Desert Shield/Storm)
- Extracted and analyzed raw intelligence data and made recommendations to Senior Leaders
- Instructor/Writer for [company name] Intelligence and Operations Doctrine
- Led successful teams from 6 up to 1000 personnel through instruction and basic business principles to mission accomplishment
0-5 years of experience
Assist the FRG Officer (Family Readiness Group) I help manage funds to provide activities and support to enhance the flow of information, increase the resiliency of unit soldiers and their families.
- UPL Officer (Unit Prevention Leader) I lead the substance abuse program to help my commander with maintaining the Army standards as well as the health well-being of the soldiers.
- Safety Officer I established the foundation of the unit safety program
- Directly support the safety program by: providing verbal and written guidance, taking necessary action, setting the example, providing adequate resources
- Ensure safety at all time
- Supervise 40-65 Soldiers( Depending on the weekend)
- Build the Morale (Motivate soldiers)
- Plan, organize, and ensure plans are executed
0-5 years of experience
Plan and execute over 100 combat patrols and force protection missions in the Iraqi Theater while managing a Battalion Tactical Operations Center in theater.
- Coordinate and monitor over 100 force protection and quality of life construction and repair missions in the Iraqi Theater.
- Manage and allocate funds for a 5+ million dollar battalion budget for continental United States and overseas operations.
- Develop training timelines, allocate materials & services and supervise personnel for training exercises and missions for up to 600 unit members.
0-5 years of experience
- Learned basic leadership required of a commissioned officer
- Learned the basics of teamwork and physical development
- Received intense classroom and field training that allowed me to gain experience in all leadership roles while openly receiving and accepting verbal and written feedback
0-5 years of experience
- Officer Candidate School (OCS) at Bravo Company, 3-11th Infantry Regiment (Class 306-08)
- Basic Officer Leadership Course II (BOLC II) at Bravo Company, 1-11th Infantry Regiment
- Infantry Basic Officer Leadership Course (IBOLC) at Alpha Company, 2-11th Infantry Regiment (Class 005-08)
- Mechanized Leader Course (Class 03-09)
6-10 years of experience
- Responsible for attending all Unit mission essential training to include mandatory briefings and physical fitness requirements
- Volunteers to assist Family Support Group in fundraising events to help support Unit functions and soldiers overseas
- Committed to completing drill (military duty) one weekend per month
- Serves as a Registered Nurse when supporting annual missions two weeks per year
- Responsible for the accurate, complete and concise medical documentation in medical record
- Responsible for the delivery of care guided by physician orders and standard of care
- Provides coaching and development to enlisted members and new officers joining our organization
0-5 years of experience
- Trained to leading 16 – 46 solider in combat or supporting those in combat.
- Trained to carry out missions regardless of the challenges while simultaneously assessing potential risk.
- Establishing unit Standard Operating Procedures and Policies.
6-10 years of experience
- Branched in Ordnance which is a logistical side of the Army.
- Intensive training in leadership tasks, drills, and exercises.
- Monitor and delegate task to a platoon size element of 20 plus individuals.
- Filling out and filing of proper paper work and forms to make sure equipment and personnel are accounted for.
0-5 years of experience
- Develop and demonstrate personal discipline, resilience, and physical fitness
- Develop leadership skills while establishing foundation of technical and tactical knowledge
- Expand and develop interpersonal networks with superiors and peers
- Excelled among peers during extremely high stress environments
0-5 years of experience
- Provides technical and strategic direction to subordinates and qualified support to superior officers.
- Employs leadership techniques throughout military operations while simultaneously executing orders.
- Maintains team discipline by adhering to and implementing orders among enlisted men.
10+ years of experience
- Developed Battalion’s financial budget for Division weekly review.
- Responsible for requisition and distribution of logistical support to subordinate units.
- Provided administrative and processing support for all financial liability investigations.
0-5 years of experience
Secret Clearance Pre Deployment J.O.C Training
- Battalion S-1 Leader and Spokesman
- Battalion S-1 Personnel E.O.D Leader
- Senior Personnel Advisor
10+ years of experience
- Pastor
- Case Management
- Human Resources
- Community Relations/Development
- Fund Raising/Grant Writing
- Director/Over-seeing of Youth & Adult Programs
- Advisory Board Facilitator