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Additional Nursing Resume Samples
ED Nurse Resume Samples
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0-5 years of experience
- Provided patient care for up to 12 patients per section on a medical surgical floor
- Safely administered medication, and educated patients/families on healthcare needs, conditions, options etc.
- Assessed patient status and notified physicians of clinical and laboratory changes
- Collaborated effectively with an interdisciplinary team of medical and healthcare professionals comprised of a physician, nurse manager, dietician, social worker, case manager, and physical therapist
- Admitted and discharged patients, and aided with home care and discharge planning
- Maintained patient charts and confidential files as well as provided documentation for both the computer and physical charts
- Performed clinical tasks according to hospital policies
6-10 years of experience
Participate in medical codes, conscious sedations and nasogastric tube insertions
- Assessed patient condition, advise of remarkable changes in status and modify treatment accordingly
- Administer intravenous, oral and topical medications as well as blood products
- Arterial and Venous blood draws, IV and Foley insertion
- Schedule Patient admissions and discharges
- Educate patients and families on health care needs, conditions, options, etc
- Maintained accurate and up-to-date charts while ensuring patient confidentiality at all times
0-5 years of experience
Manage 3 patients with acute and chronic cardiac disease, arrhythmias, respiratory disease, renal failure, stroke, and endocrine disorders.
- Monitor patients on IV cardiac drips and anticoagulation therapy.
- Collaborate with multidisciplinary team to develop individualized care plans.
- Educated patients and families on disease process and management..
0-5 years of experience
Diagnose and treat acute, and chronic illnesses, independently or as part of the collaborative medical team.
- Provide advanced nursing care across the continuum of health care services provided to meet the physiologic and psychological needs of patients with complex acute, critical, and chronic health conditions.
- Practice within the scope of my expertise, state BON statutes and regulations, and are in collaboration with Physician and other clinical staff.
- Utilize EMR/EHR to record patient encounters, E- prescriptions, and referrals.
- Order and interpret diagnostic tests as needed, per treatment plan.
- Provide episodic acute, urgent or emergent care
- Clinically supervise LPN and RNs.
0-5 years of experience
Continuously monitor fetal heart rate, maternal vital signs, and maternal uterine contraction patterns.
- Assessment and vital signs of mother and baby.
- Patient education.
- Patient triage.
- Act as circulating nurse during cesarean sections and tubal ligations.
- Cesarean section and tubal ligation surgical recovery.
- Maintain appropriate communication with doctor, midwife, surgical techs, postpartum nurses, nursery nurses, and other [company name] nurses.
0-5 years of experience
Manage and coordinate care of up to ten Med/Surg patients on 8-12 hour shifts.
- Assess, triage and care for patients in Emergency Department and Urgent Care.
- Administer medications to patients, complete physical assessments.
- Educate patients and patient’s family about current condition(s).
- Communicate with medical providers and nursing staff regarding patients’ conditions.
- Manage nursing staff’s certification requirements and educational opportunities.
0-5 years of experience
[company name] is a not-for-profit, 19 bed hospice facility in the northwestern suburbs of Philadelphia PA. As a staff RN, assessed the patients’ condition, develop a plan of care and provide hospice and palliative care, while providing information and educate the family concerning the disease, the disease process and care provided.
- Clinical assessment
- Pain management, medication and fluid administration
- Patient safety, patient and family education
- General pharmacology (i.e., related to more than one disease process or system)
- Direct supervision of Resident Care Aides
10+ years of experience
ED nurse for 10 years; also worked in Med/Surg, IV Therapy, Oncology, CCU, GI lab
- Called upon for pediatric and difficult patient IV therapy
- Member of Hazmat team for chemical identification
- Instrumental in the development of PICC program and committee
0-5 years of experience
Initiation of start of care of clients in the homecare setting including health assessment, Oasis evaluation, medication reconciliation and communication with other disciplines for comprehensive assessment of patient needs.
- Supervision of home health aides and LPN’s.
- Follow-up care for wound management including wound vacs and uniboots.
- IV administration and venipunctures via peripheral, PICC, and CVC.
- Teaching appropriate needs including Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiac, Patient and family PICC administration
0-5 years of experience
Confident in caring for the urgent/emergent patient in the ED setting. Able to admit patients into the ED computer system, triage patients, as well as recently participated in the new Med-Host charting system, training, and can comfortably navigate and chart.
- 6 week independent study the last semester of Nursing School in the ICU at Proctor Hospital, Peoria, Illinois. Responsible for care of ICU patients under the supervision of a preceptor.
- Computer skilled including [company name]’s CPSI system, Microsoft Office, and Acuity program.
- Former member of [company name] policy group.
- ACLS, CPR, and Telemetry certified.
- Care of geriatric, pediatric, and special needs patients.
- Quality Performance Improvement Counsel Member/Secretary.
- Appointed by CNO to develop a method of decreasing noise level on Medical-Surgical floor to improve patient satisfaction, and implemented that method on the medical surgical floor.
- Attend self-improvement and stress management seminars offered by EAP.
- Maintaining required CEU’s and providing them to nursing supervisor upon request
0-5 years of experience
Triage reception and hourly vital signs throughout the emergency room visit.
- Assisted patients in ambulating, holding/feeding, and attending children
- Charting hourly rounding, vital signs, and assessment details of patient care
- Patient discharge instructions on medications, follow-up visits, and referrals upon dismissal from the ER.
- Venipunctures, nasal swabs for Pertussis, Flu and RSV, urine collection, rapid strep swabbing and screening.
0-5 years of experience
Maintain accurate, detailed reports and records.
- Record patients’ medical information and vital signs.
- Order, interpret, and evaluate diagnostic tests to identify and assess patient’s condition.
- Direct and supervise less skilled nursing or health care personnel or supervise a particular unit.
- Prepare patients for, and assist with, examinations and treatments.
6-10 years of experience
Observe and monitor patients. Document observations, implementation and evaluation of data in the EMR using objective data, interventions and response.
- Start IV catheters with great success rate, draw labs, and implement medication administration including IV antibiotics, fluids, PO. Wound care.
- Contribute to plan of care, implement care based on interventions identified in care plan and physician orders, delegate tasks to non-licensed personnel as necessary. Promote continuity of care, report condition of patient, including signs and symptoms indicative of change in patient’s condition to registered nurse and/or physician in a timely manner.
- Discharge planning and teaching provided to patients. Preceptor to EMT, paramedic and nursing students.
0-5 years of experience
Manage the overall patient flow and bed assignments within the [company name] (admissions, discharges, & transfers).
- Plan, organize, lead, implement, and evaluate the quality of nursing care on all patients within the ED. Analyze problems in the delivery of patient care, develop corrective actions to expedite care.
- Monitor hospital resources and determine when conditions in the ED reflect the need to place the facility on diversion status and communicate with the ED Attending, ED Nurse Manager and Hospital Flow Coordinator to ensure the optimal care of the veteran.
- Demonstrates competence in management and utilization of the nursing process, interpersonal skills, resource utilization, sound decision-making, and functions with high degree of self-direction.