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Lead Pastor Resume Samples
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6-10 years of experience
Provided overall vision for this growing 350 member church
- Recruited, hired, and supervised 13 ministry staff to fulfill the mission of developing faithful followers of Jesus Christ
- Managed a yearly budget of over $650,000
- Effectively preached and taught the Word of God in two Sunday morning services
- Developed a contemporary worship culture including full band, drama, video, PowerPoint and other creative service elements
- Performed regular pastoral duties such as counseling, weddings, funerals, visitation and conducting communion services
- Coordinated the Portage Community Pastors Prayer Huddles
0-5 years of experience
- Carried out outreach to local schools and community to grow the congregation from 187 to 320.
- Managed budget in excess of $750K. Oversee staff of 10 made up of 5 full-time and 5 part-time.
- Oversee basic structure maintenance of 40,000sf facility located on 26 acres of land.
- Increased church budget on average of $2K weekly with church growth while saving in expenditures.
- Introduced many community opportunities including lay-counseling, local school involvement, and much more.
- Led internal restructuring efforts to increase productivity and save thousands of dollars monthly.
6-10 years of experience
- Organized and started this new ministry
- Served as Volunteer Chaplain at local hospital
- Responsible for the everyday operations as well as sermon preparation and delivery
- Organized and led all hospital visitation, nursing and funeral home
- Supervised all staff members
- Trained and developed leaders
0-5 years of experience
Responsible for the administration, overall care, and development of the congregation.
- Implemented and streamlined mission and vision for the congregation
- Led the congregation through financial and staffing challenges
- Relationship development
- Preaching, teaching and worship planning
0-5 years of experience
- Voted in 100% by the membership.
- Radical changes achieved, including church parsonage sold for funding future
- Basic structuring and organization needed in all areas of running the church
- Managed one staff minister and one custodian.
0-5 years of experience
- Developed, shaped and formed a church of 40+ congregants from scratch
- Leadership development, strategic planning and risk analysis
- Staff and volunteer recruitment
0-5 years of experience
- Led praise team, technicians, and all aspects of Sunday services and events
- Overhauled music ministry including adding new music, new equipment, and new technicians
- Installed in-ear monitoring system and trained musicians and technicians to use it
- Created a job for a tech director and recruited a volunteer for the job
- Enhanced technology, including adding a website, FB page, and mobile app
- Created “Calvary Kid’s Choir” for Christmas, Easter, and other special occasions
- Grew church by over 50% in attendance in 18 months
- Preached 42- 45 times per year
0-5 years of experience
- Created a first time budget for the church
- Hired staff to work in music, youth & children’s ministry
- Led a team to enhance and develop programs for youth and children
- Began a Café before the morning service
- Enhanced the facility & property through improvements
- Served as the District Youth Pastor
0-5 years of experience
- One of the organizers of Love Sapulpa, an event where Sapulpa area churches partner on a Sunday morning to get outside of the walls of the church to serve the community through local projects and an inter-congregational cookout at Kelly Lane Park
- Brought the church through transitions to the point that anyone could walk into the church, feel loved, and experience Christ in a very real, life changing way.
- Built relationships within the congregation and with visitors through fellowship, hosting people in our home, hospital calls, home visits, ministry, and various other avenues
- Supported ministries of the church such as missions, children, youth, small groups, and Living Free, a ministry that reaches out to those struggling with addictions, co-dependency, and those in trouble with the courts
- Performed the “normal” activities of lead pastors such as preaching, teaching, vision development/implementation, management/training of volunteers, and financial oversight
0-5 years of experience
- Weekly Preaching/Speaking Engagements
- Creating online presence for organization, including designing and building a website and maintaining social media posts
- Raising up and training new leaders
- Organizing and leading restructuring of church resources and ministries, etc.
0-5 years of experience
Responsible for overseeing all activities for [company name].
- Online/ media management
- Self advertising
- Video creating and editing.
- Video hosting
- Live assemblies conducting edifcation or discussion.
- Clothe and food drives for the homeless.
0-5 years of experience
- Maintenance of database, calendars, forms, and all registries.
- Activities and facility use scheduling and coordination for small groups, events, conferences, weddings and funerals.
- Pastoral office administrative support
- Coordinating and organizing volunteers for special events as needed.
10+ years of experience
Providing administrative leadership for the church and for proclamation and pastoral care in meeting the needs or persons in the church and community.
- Lead the staff and the church in a caring ministry for persons in the church and the community.
- Serve as chairman of church council
- Plan, coordinate and evaluate ministry staff and projects.