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Free Contractor cover letter example

Dear Mr. Talbert:

As a seasoned and ambitious construction/renovation manager with more than 14 years of experience leading workers through project life cycles, from initiation through completion, I am confident that I can make a substantial impact on your success as your next Contractor.

My background lies in overseeing all aspects of project management for a wide variety of commercial and residential construction projects while maintaining compliance with established regulations and client requirements and consistently remaining on time and at—or under—budget. Having refined and targeted my skills in quality control, strategic planning, and team leadership, I stand prepared to dynamically benefit your team.

My qualifications include the following:

Driving the success of construction and renovation projects valued at up to $1.6M for both corporate and residential clients; defining project scopes, budgets, goals, and timelines and achieving consistently high levels of client satisfaction.

Procuring and delivering materials, obtaining necessary permits, ensuring building code compliance, estimating costs, and preparing bids.

Effectively coordinating and supervising subcontractors, motivating workers to provide outstanding dependability and top-quality products and service while ensuring they remain on task and compliant.

Collaborating effectively with architects, engineers, city officials, designers, and suppliers to drive the success of residential and commercial projects.

Demonstrating first-rate organizational and interpersonal abilities throughout my career accomplishments.

With my dedication to achieving unparalleled project success, combined with my excellent time management and communication skills, I believe I would be an excellent addition to your team as your next Contractor. I look forward to discussing the position with you further. Thank you for your consideration.


Roy F. Ethridge

Include These Contractor Skills

  • Construction industry experience
  • Coordination and time management
  • Attention to details
  • Effective communication
  • Networking
  • Negotiation skills
  • Decision-making and being able to stay calm under pressure
  • Computer competences
  • Resourcefulness and problem-solving orientation
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