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Free Construction Project Manager cover letter example

Dear Mr. Moses Wilson:

With a proven background as a Construction Project Manager with over 10 years experience providing solutions for general contracting, engineering, and construction firms, I posses a record of success analyzing operations, then designing and instituting Program Management methodologies that work to improve efficiency and reduce costs. I have a strong background in Resort/High End Residential Development and Civil Engineering.

My leadership style focuses on engaging team members to communicate, dynamically solve problems and deliver the highest quality solutions. I am currently seeking to provide your organization with the above skills as Construction Project Manager.

A sample of key contributions includes:

Coordinated successful project completion with cross functional teams including sales, marketing, finance, and club management.

Generated approximately $25M in lot sales revenue in 2004 and $105M in 2005-2006.

Oversaw approximately $8-10M in construction in 2004 and $40M in 2005-2006.

Successfully completed 3 large scales, mass grading projects for the Nature Conservancy for the Truckee River. Utilized innovative storm water pollution control methods.

Delivered all 3 projects on time and substantially below budget. Generated 5-10% over anticipated profits.

I am able to successfully present complex ideas with a high degree of clarity and recognize and properly lead change in all types of organizations. I have devoted my career to developing proven strategies in order to meet or exceed client expectations.

Please accept this letter and enclosed resume as an introduction to my skills and background. For a more detailed presentation of my offerings, feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience to schedule a conference. Thank you in advance for your consideration and I look forward to our conversation.


Pamela Graham

Include These Construction Project Manager Skills

  • Hiring, training, and supervising all building superintendents, porters and maintenance staff
  • Negotiating contracts with vendors and contractors
  • Developing and writing scopes of work for capital improvement projects
  • Ensuring that all work being performed conforms to the standards of the contract
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