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Free Construction Supervisor cover letter example

Dear Mr. Davidson,

I am writing to apply for the position of Construction Supervisor at MDS Construction Group. My managerial skills and ten years of experience in this industry will be a huge benefit to your company. I know that I meet all your requirements as advertised and will fill this role successfully.

I have worked with development and renovation projects in both public and private construction sectors so I am well versed with the rules and regulations of local construction laws. I have supervised all my sites on time, within budget and with no safety or regulatory concerns. I am a responsible, dependable and committed Construction Supervisor who leads his team towards success in every project that I undertake. I have met my clients’expectations and have delivered quality workmanship and materials. I take great pride in my success history and hope to bring my skills in problem-solving, leadership and negotiation to MDS Construction Group.

Some highlights of my career as a Construction Supervisor are listed below:

Implemented smart solutions and strategies to initiate high-performance

Delivered projects on time through accelerated building schedules, productive trade crew partnering and reforming processes.

Streamlined the company’s project management structure resulting in increased profits

I am confident that I can bring positive and effective qualities to this role. It would please me very much if you could afford me the time to discuss these aspects with you at a time that is convenient for you. In the meantime, please find in my enclosed resume with more information regarding my particular qualifications and experience. My contact details are provided in my resume. Thank you for taking the time to consider my application, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Edwin Harley

Include These Construction Supervisor Skills

  • Exceptional communication skills
  • Be approachable and relate well to different types of people
  • Computer skills
  • Driver’s license
  • Leadership abilities
  • Solid organizational and time management skills
Construction Supervisor Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

A professional cover letter is the first step toward your new job!