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Free Construction Laborer cover letter example

Dear Mr. Yalis:

When I read of the City of Salem’s search for a skilled Construction Laborer, I hurried to send along my resume for your review. If you are looking for a strong and reliable worker with a solid work ethic and experience performing a range of duties on demanding construction sites, I am sure you will find my background and skill set to be a good match for your needs.

I bring to the table more than 11 years of experience in performing a range of construction site tasks for the City of Ashland. From mixing ingredients and pouring concrete to shoeving asphalt and installing structures, I have gained a breadth of experience and knowledge in full-scale construction project oversight while complying with all regulations and safety precautions. Additionally, I have the dexterity, the physical stamina, and the time management strengths necessary to excel in this capacity.

Highlights of my qualifications include:

Contributing as an enthusiastic team member to the success of diverse construction projects and initiatives in the City of Ashland, including building, renovation, demolition, road work, and structural improvement.

Loading and unloading materials, machinery, and tools and distributing them to the appropriate locations and workers in accordance with project plans and specifications.

Honing my skills in foundation laying, permits, drywall, carpentry, roofing, door/window installation, and masonry.

Signaling fellow operators to appropriately align, move, and adjust machines, equipment, and materials.

Cleaning and preparing construction sites to meet regulatory standards and requirements and eliminate possibly hazardous materials.

Demonstrating outstanding communication skills and thriving in team-oriented environments.

With my skills and experience delivering comprehensive physical support to diverse construction projects, I am confident I will immediately become a strong asset to your team. Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Billy F. Nuckols

Include These Construction Laborer Skills

  • Physical fitness and strength
  • Practical skills
  • Stamina and resilience to hard work
  • The ability to follow instructions
  • Attention to safety
  • Teamwork
  • Time management
  • Attention to details
  • Knowing how to operate construction equipment
  • Reliability
  • Effective communication
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