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Free Background Investigator cover letter example

Dear Mr. Matthews:

Upon learning of the opening for a Background Inspector with the City of Philadelphia, I hastened to submit my resume for your review. As an experienced and resourceful inspector with a background in interviewing subjects, conducting criminal history searches, and verifying credentials, I am confident that I would be a valuable asset to your department.

My experience lies in performing a range of processes and procedures to verify applicant eligibility and viability while uncovering negative criminal backgrounds to mitigate legal risks and ensure full compliance. With a solid commitment to achieving accurate and deadline-driven results, I excel at working efficiently and collaboratively to expedite thorough and informative results.

The following achievements demonstrate my qualifications for this position:

More than 14 years of experience in background investigation and reporting for the City of Santa Monica, completing comprehensive background checks – including interviews and criminal history record searches – to determine federal employment suitability for new hires, temporary workers, and volunteers.

Tracking down and verifying credentials, licenses, histories, and records for more than 5,000 applicants each year.

Conducting security and pre-employment investigations to determine the qualifications and viability of individuals based on each contract’s requirements.

Experience in compliance and assessment, collaborative team meetings, and detailed documentation.

Proven ability to excel in both independent and team-oriented roles while ensuring top-level professionalism and dedication to success.

With my experience in efficiently and expeditiously performing comprehensive background investigations, I am well prepared to extend my record of service to the City of Philadelphia. I welcome the opportunity to discuss this position and my qualifications with you further.

Thank you for your consideration.


George D. Singleton

Include These Background Investigator Skills

  • Background checks
  • Subject interviews
  • Applicant eligibility/viability
  • Credential/information verification
  • Records management
  • Compliance
  • Risk management
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