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Free Enrollment Specialist cover letter example

Dear Mr. Lavelle:

Upon consideration of your posting for an Enrollment Specialist, I felt compelled to submit my resume for your review. As an accomplished and service-oriented professional with 12+ years of experience assisting and enrolling people into the Oregon Medicaid program, I would significantly contribute to the success of your organization’s objectives.

My background spans excellent experience in overseeing patient program enrollment efforts while communicating courteously with customers and resolving complaints and concerns. Furthermore, my professional training in customer service excellence has resulted in my earning commendation from both customers and managers for my friendly demeanor and performance. With this success, combined with my superior communication and organization abilities, I am well prepared to vitally impact your organization.

Consider the following highlights of my qualifications:

Processing, verifying, and validating Oregon Medicaid applications for all providers across the State of Oregon; conducting preliminary background checks, identifying mistakes and/or missing information, and analyzing all required documents to drive successful program enrollment; maintaining a 98.3% quality score of all completed applications.

Performing desk reviews of Medicaid applications in accordance with SOPs to ensure compliance with Medicaid laws and federal regulations.

Facilitating audits by thoroughly examining each application in detail for accuracy and completeness.

Demonstrating strong abilities in customer care and satisfaction, provider communications, and conflict resolution; superior problem-solving and prioritization skills.

With my proven track record of expertise in healthcare program enrollment, I am positioned to greatly exceed your expectations for this role and substantially benefit your organization. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss how my qualifications position me to make an immediate and positive impact in this role. Thank you for your consideration.


John S. Rodriquez

Include These Enrollment Specialist Skills

  • Program/services sales and enrollment
  • Documentation and background checks
  • Application review and validation
  • Customer service excellence
  • Conflict resolution/problem solving
  • Accuracy and confidentiality
  • Provider relationships/communication
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