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Free City Planner cover letter example

Dear Ms. Stutler:

Upon review of your posting for a City Planner, I felt compelled to submit my resume for your consideration. With my vast experience in urban studies and planning, as well as my honed skills in team collaboration and project management, I feel confident that I would significantly benefit your team.

With more than 12 years of excellent experience in urban development – including city planning, sustainable development and land use – my background has prepared me to excel in this position. Furthermore, I possess expertise in producing detailed reports, requesting permits and variances and preparing site plans. Additionally, my organizational, communication and problem-solving capabilities position me to thrive in this challenging role.

Highlights of my background include:

Excelling as an Urban Planner with the city of Jacksonville for the past ten years, contributing to projects pertaining to urban redevelopment and capital project coordination.

Initiating and administering a new, forward-thinking downtown master plan, resulting in $6.7M worth of new commercial development.

ecuring and presiding over numerous Community Development Block Grants, Enterprise Zone Credits, and an Economic Development Administration grant to drive both business and community development.

Reviewing sophisticated land development applications – including city plan amendments, annexations and zoning – and preparing related presentations for the Planning and Zoning Board as well as the City Council.

Soliciting input from community leadership figures, neighborhood associations and the public at large to gain an understanding of their requirements and needs, identify optimal solutions, and integrate feedback into city planning processes.

Earning a Master’s degree in Urban Planning from New York City College and achieving comprehensive knowledge of urban planning through an integrated, educational perspective on the political, economic, geographic, social, and cultural character of urban life.

With my previous experience coupled with my enthusiasm and dedication to achieving success, I believe I could swiftly surpass your expectations as your next City Planner. I look forward to discussing this opportunity in further detail.

Thank you for your consideration.


Emogene W. Ward

Include These City Planner Skills

  • Zoning codes
  • Annexations and amendments
  • Streetscape and commercial planning
  • Permits, variances and waivers
  • Forward-thinking and sustainable planning
  • Grants and funding
  • Application review/processing
  • Project management
  • Planning processes and protocol
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