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Free Immigration Consultant cover letter example

Dear Mr. Freudenberg:

Upon consideration of your posting for an immigration consultant to join your firm, I felt compelled to submit my resume for your review. As an accomplished and highly educated immigration specialist with comprehensive experience supporting clients in deciphering and navigating immigration procedures, challenges, and regulations, I am confident in my ability to significantly contribute to the success of your organization’s objectives.

My background spans 14 years of proven experience in assisting clients in obtaining visa approvals, preparing documentation, defending clients in jeopardy of deportation, and handling other related legal concerns. With my expertise in comprehensive and evolving immigration laws, rules, and mandates, I excel at preparing and securing both temporary and permanent employment, visitor, student, and business visas. Furthermore, my strong decision-making and networking skills – coupled with my dedication to the utmost integrity and confidentiality – is certain to make me an asset to your immigration advisory team.

Consider the following highlights of my qualifications:

Working extensively and openly with contacts in the US Consulate, the USCIS, the DOL, state employment agencies, the State Department, foreign and US embassies, business managers, HR representatives, and outside counsel to prepare and file immigrant/non-immigrant visa petitions, renewals, and permanent residence applications for clients from varying backgrounds and cultures

Performing deep research into applicable immigration cases and statutes to inform application strategies and determine appropriate legal actions

Preparing clients for their immigration petitions through mock interviews, document review, corrective action plans, and additional one-on-one support

Successfully defending clients facing Removal Proceedings in federal courts

Investigating and resolving hundreds of cases of passport and document fraud

Demonstrating outstanding communication, interpersonal, and prioritization abilities

With my proven track record of consulting with clients on immigration petitions and challenges, I am positioned to greatly exceed your expectations for this role and substantially benefit your team. I look forward to discussing the position and my qualifications in detail. Thank you for your consideration.


Mary W. Beall

Include These Immigration Consultant Skills

  • Visa petitions, renewals, and applications
  • Legal research and case preparation
  • Regulations and mandates
  • Document preparation and review
  • Petition preparation and filing
  • Client relationship building
  • Corrective action plans
  • One-on-one client support and mentoring
  • Fraud detection and resolution
  • Client consulting and advising
  • Client representation
  • Compliance
  • Customer service excellence
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