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Free Translator cover letter example

Dear Mr. Eldridge:

Upon review of your posting for a Translator at Green Team Technologies, I hastened to submit the enclosed resume for your review. As a skilled professional with more than 7 years of experience in providing highly accurate translating services, I feel confident of my ability to exceed your expectations for this role.

My background in successfully translating promotional and general business materials prepares me to substantially impact your organization. With my solid history of providing meticulous and reliable translations to achieve the closest matches in context/meaning—along with my superior communication and analytical talents—I am ready to extend my record of excellence with your company.

Highlights of my experience include the following…

Serving as a translator in consecutive positions for reputable companies, communicating with cross-functional departments and managers to ensure seamless style, context, and overall meaning in the target language.

Held full accountability for introducing the Humdinger Global Company to the Japanese market through superb translation of marketing and promotional literature.

Multilingual with fluency in Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, German, and French.

Organized and personable with an outstanding reputation for excellent team collaboration.

With my solid background, multi-language proficiency, and skill set, combined with my dedication to my career, I am positioned to significantly benefit your team. I look forward to discussing my qualifications in more detail.

Thank you for your consideration.


Nathan C. Holley

Include These Translator Skills

  • Good knowledge of two or more languages
  • Outstanding command of grammar and writing skills
  • Cultural sensitivity
  • Attention to details
  • Computer competences and knowledge of translation-oriented software
  • Self-motivation and discipline
  • Networking and interpersonal skills
  • Effective communication
  • Deadline orientation
Translator Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

A professional cover letter is the first step toward your new job!