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Free Hospital Social Worker cover letter example

Dear Ms. Gonzalez,

I have recently learned of your hospital’s need for a Hospital Social Worker, and this information has inspired me to submit my resume for consideration. As a licensed Hospital Social Worker with seven years of experience going above and beyond to meet patient needs, I am certain I have the skills required to succeed at your hospital.

My professional experience includes interviewing patients with a compassionate ear to determine how their medical conditions affected their mental state and then working hard to coordinate services to help improve their conditions. I believe this experience will help me be a productive member of the team at Sunnyview Hospital.

The following is a list of my most relevant skills and accomplishments.

Earned Master’s degree in Social Work from Boston University

Licensed to practice Social Work in the state of Massachusetts

Developed strong working relationship with several local providers of health services

Advocated for patients under financial hardship to receive financial assistance for health services

Conducted psychosocial evaluations of patients and co-created treatment plans based on said evaluation.

I have a genuine compassion for my patients and firmly believe the role of Hospital Social Worker is one which makes a huge impact in the lives of patients. I would love the opportunity to bring this passionate compassion to Sunnyview Hospital. If you are interested in giving me an interview, then please contact me as soon as you get a chance. Thank you for your consideration.


Adam P. Howard

Include These Hospital Social Worker Skills

  • Bachelor’s degree in Social Work (Master’s in Social Work preferred)
  • Licensed for Social Work in state of application
  • Knowledge of various diseases and how they affect a person’s emotional state
  • Active listening skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Written and verbal communication skills
  • Decision-making skills
  • Organizational skills
  • Social perceptiveness
  • Positive and friendly demeanor
Hospital Social Worker Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

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