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0-5 years of experience
It is a small startup originated by me and couple of other guys from scratch.
- Created tasks for developer in the online startup project from zero.
- Performed analytics and control
- During testing, found and resolved key risky issues
- Successfully launched stable version of platform helpaka.com
0-5 years of experience
- Developed a Yard application for Germany and Brazil countries where an Item (car/trucks) can transition/bought through different phases.
- Angular JS coupled with coffee script for the front end so the pages look responsive and dynamic.
- Used Rails finder methods, filters and wrote model scopes in the application.
- Writing API calls to interact with Web services (Auction) and SAP FI through JSON where info is communicated between Yard and those systems.
- Acted as offshore team coordinator, assigning tasks and guiding them.
- Used Resque for background processing.
0-5 years of experience
- Developed and implemented web application Energy & Chemical news and forum platform using Ruby on rails for professional news exchanges and discussions.
- Built many features for platform such as following, notification system and private message system.
- Provided Website Support and Maintenance.
- Designed and built databases and migration to support new features and enhancements.
- Used BDD and TDD approaches to specify and test controller classes, models, view templates, helpers and routing.
- Deployed the Web application on Digital Ocean Web Server using Capistrano, Apache, Phusion Passenger and Linux 14.04.
0-5 years of experience
- Developed new features for business software improving usability and facilitating business goal achievement.
- Communicated clearly and effectively in a timely manner.
- Responsible for weekly deployment duties and delivering client change details.
0-5 years of experience
- Merged knowledge of online marketing and computer science to develop a new Ruby on Rails SEO management system for former Department of Justice attorney; dominated Google, Yahoo, and Bing for private practice law firm search queries
- SEO system generated approx. 120 content-rich pages, scraped and indexed by search engines
- SEO system brought in approx. 600 new clients seeking representation
- Website on the 1st page of Google for: Bankruptcy Attorney, Wills and Estates Lawyer, and Immigration Lawyer in Baltimore City and Baltimore County
0-5 years of experience
This is a CRM and Data Sharing and Storage application for a Photography company. It keeps information about the Clients, Projects, Tasks, Mailing services and Events. It provides Admin to upload the Data once the project is completed, which is available for the client to download and share privately.
- Used Rails 4, [company name] 2.2.3, Postgres, various gems.
- Successfully implemented and enhanced the CRUD operations using Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture for the application.
- Implemented ‘paperclip’ gem for file attachments on Admin side.
- Provided Authorizations using ‘cancan’ gem and Authentication using ‘devise’ gem.
- Used Github for version control.
- Handled API calls to amazon S3 for data storage using the gem ‘aws-sdk’.
- Deployed the web application using HEROKU.
- Developing new features, fixed bugs, interfaced with the product development and software quality assurance group.
0-5 years of experience
- Drafted comprehensive reports to document bugs and design flaws.
- Worked closely with clients to establish problem specifications and system designs.
- Provided maintenance and development of bug fixes and patch sets for existing web
- Implemented Amazon Web Services into the application for better content storage system.
0-5 years of experience
- Develop and maintain Grant Management System for California State.
- Enhanced password protection scheme.
- Developed Report system.
- Developed page pdf and linked document download system.
- The technology involve in the product, Ruby on Rails 4.2, Ruby 2.3.3, HTML 5, CSS3, SCSS, Javascript, JQuery,
0-5 years of experience
- [company name] is a small weekend and travel planning app.
- While at [company name] I handled Ruby on Rails development, Mongo administration, and Heroku server administration.
- Responsible for refactor from Mongo to Postgre to enable better reporting. Responsible for Mongo data creation and backups.
- Responsible for Heroku Servers.
- Some work with S3 Web-facing image stores.
6-10 years of experience
- Member of a small team responsible for full project life cycle of BOSS Revolution (BR) web platform for seven markets in Europe, APAC and North America. Designed and developed major features, including Mail, Mobile Top-up, Sofort Instant Banking, multiple security enhancements.
- Design, development, and support of several internal web applications sharing the technology stack with BR: Rails, JQuery, JQuery UI, YUI, Oracle, HAML, Capistrano, OracleEnhancedAdapter. Gems: i18n, paperclip, inotify, thin, phusion/passenger, roo, spreadsheet, twitterCLDR, DelayedJob, HTTParty, sofort, authlogic
- Ported three legacy applications from Rails 2.3 running locally to Rails 4.2 running on AWS EC2.
- Using Linux Mint Guest VM under Windows host for Rails development
0-5 years of experience
- Develop features in an agile environment using Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Analyze and debug current bugs and implement fixes
- Utilize meta-programming to increase coding efficiency in the creation of forms
- Collaborate with other developers and designers to better reach client needs and requirements
- Maintain version control with GitHub