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Free 3D Artist cover letter example

Dear Mr. Fortune:

Technical aptitude, sharp artistic talent, and productive team collaboration are all essential elements to success in 3D production and design. As a highly skilled professional with more than nine years of experience developing and executing a wide variety of successful 3D design projects, I am positioned to make a significant impact on your team as your next 3D Artist.

My background includes designing and delivering creative projects and services from concept through completion. With solid proficiency in using both computer software and hand-drawing techniques to render flawless 3D special effects—along with my ability to collaborate effectively with clients, peers, and senior management teams—I am confident that my talents and abilities will significantly benefit Top Dog Productions.

Highlights of my experience include…

Managing art and technical development for various projects; creating original 3D environments and character models with rigs, textures, and animation based upon concept designs and sketches.

Creating special effects to coordinate with scripts, using optical scanning device, and creating three-dimensional pictures in consecutive positions of increasing responsibility and scope over the past nine years.

Earning a coveted spot on professor-sponsored university team to design and create an educational iPad-based game.

Demonstrating proficiency in a breadth of technology programs and tools, including Adobe programs as well as Microsoft Word and PowerPoint; at ease on both Windows and Mac platforms.

With my keen ability to evolve and complete 3D design projects, combined with my steadfast commitment to top-notch design quality and production, I am prepared to excel in providing outstanding services to your company. I look forward to discussing the position and my qualifications in detail. Thank you for your consideration.


Jenny M. Barron

Include These 3D Artist Skills

  • Artistic talent and creativity
  • Computer-aided design skills
  • Self-promotion skills and the ability to showcase works in a portfolio
  • Teamworking skills for collaborating with other artists
  • Networking and business acumen
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Time management and deadline orientation
  • Being able to cope with constructive criticism
3D Artist Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

A professional cover letter is the first step toward your new job!