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Free Payroll Officer cover letter example

Dear Mr. Watts:

As a skilled and efficient professional with more than 10 years of experience in calculating and distributing payroll to up to 390 company employees, I am confident that you will find my dedication, accuracy, and enthusiastic attitude to be of value to your organization as your next Payroll Officer.

My demonstrated expertise in payroll processing and administration has prepared me to make a significant contribution to your company. With my strong background encompassing a wide range of payroll functions and responsibilities, I have continually made significant contributions to optimizing departmental efficiency and productivity while excelling within team-oriented environments and ensuring top-notch payroll accuracy and timeliness for maximum employee satisfaction.

Highlights of my experience include…

Successfully managing $750,000 biweekly payroll processing and distribution responsibilities for 390 employees in Texas, Louisiana, and Georgia; filing and securing employee payroll information, transmitting and verifying payroll to ADP software, and updating employee data (including deductions, exemptions, and address changes).

Reviewing and revising various payroll-related forms’such as check request and travel reimbursement’to improve ease of use for both employees and payroll staff.

Generating ADP reports on biweekly garnishment, 401k and 403b TSA, and health and dental; producing monthly, quarterly, and annual reports across all finance areas to guarantee accuracy and support managers and auditors.

Serving as a key contributor to the 401k and health insurance benefit provider negotiation and selection process.

Performing numerous, competing tasks while training and motivating top-performing teams; proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, MSA, PeopleSoft, Lotus Notes, ADP, and Kronos.

Earning a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting Technology from Texas A&M University.

With my polished skills in payroll processing, communication, and organization, I am more than prepared to exceed your expectations for this role. I would appreciate the chance to offer more insight into my qualifications. Thank you for your consideration.


Kathryn K. Massey

Include These Payroll Officer Skills

  • Knowledge of payroll operations
  • Accounting expertise
  • Attention to details and accuracy
  • A meticulous approach to work
  • Reporting skills
  • Effective communication
  • Computer competences
  • Organization and planning
  • Teamwork
  • Data entry skills
  • Confidentiality and work ethics
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