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Free Dancer cover letter example

Dear Ms. Palma:

Technical expertise, a formidable work ethic, and an expansive portfolio are all essential components to success in the world of dance. As a skilled professional Dancer with eight years of experience with the Austin Ballet Troupe, I am positioned to make a significant impact as the newest member of the San Antonio Ballet Company.

With decades of training complemented by professional experience performing pieces in high-level productions, my skills and background have prepared me to excel in this capacity. Having been trained at the Texas Ballet Theater School since the age of four, I have acquired the technical aptitude and the rigorous training required to thrive as a professional dancer while also learning the intricacies of telling stories and showing emotion through choreographed body movements. Under the tutelage of Juliet Sistan for the past six years, I have performed in productions of The Nutcracker (lead role), Alice in Wonderland (lead role), and Swan Lake. With my confidence, my physical capacities, and my exhaustive classical training, I am prepared to significantly contribute to the San Antonio Ballet Company.

Highlights of my experience include…

Devoting myself to training, exercising, and perfecting my proficiencies in ballet to maintain high levels of technical expertise, physical ability, and physical fitness.

Completing training and participating in the Royal Academy of Dance examinations, the American Academy of Ballet Performance Awards, and the Youth America Grand Prix.

Collaborating in group environments with fellow dancers, coordinating in ensembles and running weekly rehearsals with troupe members.

Seamlessly adapting to multiple roles and on-the-spot choreography changes.

Contributing to company fundraising efforts, lighting and costuming concerns, and ticket sales.

Demonstrating excellent originality, creativity, and communication talents.

Earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Texas.

With my proven experience as a classically trained professional dancer, combined with my steadfast commitment to top-notch artistic quality and production, I am prepared to excel as the San Antonio Ballet Company’s newest dancer. I look forward to discussing this opportunity and my qualifications in more detail.

Thank you for your consideration.


Myrtie D. Zayas

Include These Dancer Skills

  • Knowledge of multiple forms of dance
  • Physical fitness and stamina
  • Creativity
  • Resilience
  • Self-confidence
  • Teamwork
  • Promotional skills and networking
  • Motivation
  • Discipline and time management
  • Effective communication
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