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Free Family Support Worker cover letter example

Dear Ms. Casas:

Upon learning of your need for a Family Support Worker to join your team, I hastened to submit my resume for your review. My experience supporting family members through a variety of economic, behavioral, and mental health challenges—as well as my comprehensive education and training in social services—gives me confidence in my ability to significantly benefit your organization.

From performing intake assessments and developing customized case plans, to working with culturally diverse families and effectively supporting and counseling clients, my background has positioned me to excel in this role. My ability to connect with family members of all ages and establish trusting relationships, along with my consistent mindfulness of my personal responses to clients, prepares me to thrive in this challenging position.

Consider the following highlights of my qualifications:

Provide vital support to a wide range of families and children in need, coordinating family services, promoting health initiatives, investigating allegations of problems and/or abuse, and recommending treatment options and solutions.

Participate in team meetings focused on case planning, resource development, and goal definition to meet the objectives of each child and/or family.

Maintain a strong network of community resources and ancillary agency services to optimize client experiences and accelerate goal achievement.

Utilize superior empathy, therapeutic, and interpersonal abilities to provide optimal solutions and support in difficult and highly stressful situations; gained a breadth of experience working with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Achieved a Master of Social Work degree in 2007 from the University of North Carolina.

With my previous experience and education in social work, complemented by my dedication to providing critical assistance to families in need, I could swiftly surpass your expectations for this role. The opportunity to discuss the position in detail would be most welcome.

Thank you for your consideration.


Marjorie R. Breshears

Include These Family Support Worker Skills

  • Excellent communication and listening skills
  • Being able to interact with people from various backgrounds and to work under pressure
  • Conflict resolution
  • Flexibility
  • A non-judgmental approach and respect for diversity
  • Problem-solving orientation and resourcefulness
  • Empathy and a caring personality
  • Emotional stability
  • Computer literacy
  • Teamwork
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