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Free Sports Coach cover letter example

Dear Ms. Riggs:

If you are looking for a physically fit, motivational, and spirited individual to make a strong and positive contribution to the Ridgemont Sportsplex, I invite you to review the enclosed resume detailing my experience and qualifications. As a supportive and goal-oriented professional with solid experience helping youth players to improve their performance, I feel confident that I would strongly benefit your facility as your next Sports Coach.

My experience includes coaching children in techniques, scrimmages, and official games across various sports to enable them to improve and excel while encouraging a lifelong commitment to physical health and exercise. With strong aptitude in a range of individual and team sports—complemented by my excellent interpersonal and leadership talents—I am certain to quickly become an immediate asset to the membership community at the Ridgemont Sportsplex.

Highlights of my qualifications include…

Instructing children from ages 8-14 in the proper techniques of sports including tennis, basketball, soccer, hockey, track, and volleyball, supervising up to 15 youth participants at any one time in classes, practices, and games.

Teaching youth players the fundamental skills of sports, touching on their histories, famous figures, and current sporting events.

Ensuring a safe and supportive environment for children through team collaboration, positive feedback, and a culture of encouragement and motivation.

Maintaining clean, secure, and well-presented facilities as well as ample equipment in good working order.

Building strong relationships with kids, parents, and school communities to attract new players and serve as an ongoing positive role model in children’s lives.

Handling basic administrative and operational tasks such as player registration, payments, emergency contacts, and records management.

Demonstrating a dynamic personality, enthusiastic and positive attitude, and stellar communication abilities.

Certified in basic CPR and AED; currently pursuing my Bachelor’s degree in Sports Education & Management (expected 2018).

With my passion for physical fitness, coupled with my experience working with children to educate on and coach a variety of sports, I am confident that I can exceed your expectations for this role. I look forward to discussing this opportunity in more detail.

Thank you for your consideration.


John J. Dukes

Include These Sports Coach Skills

  • Coaching skills
  • Sports management training
  • Being able to motivate athletes
  • Knowledge of safety rules
  • Teambuilding skills
  • Computer competences
  • An interest in updating professional skills
  • Self-motivation and enthusiasm
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
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