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Free Gym Instructor cover letter example

Dear Mr. Blackwell:

In response to your posting for a new Gym Instructor to join your staff at Happy Hill Elementary School, please accept the enclosed resume for your review. As an accomplished professional with eight years of solid experience in youth athletic instruction and training for the Greenville YMCA, I am well positioned to leverage my background and skills to excel in this role.

With experience planning and executing a wide variety of successful youth-focused athletic events, programs, and activities, I am committed to ensuring safe and fun physical education experiences for children. I excel at communicating effectively and engagingly with children of all ages, with a particular emphasis on elementary-aged children. Furthermore, my commitment to instilling a lifelong dedication to personal health, nutrition, and physical exercise to program participants is sure to make me an immediate asset to your school in this position.

Highlights of my experience include…

Thriving as a Youth Program Instructor for the Greenville YMCA for the past eight years, teaching more than 500 program participants from ages 4-12 in a wide range of athletic programs including dance, soccer, softball, gymnastics, tennis, and biking.

Coordinating youth team sports rosters—basketball, soccer, and softball—while communicating effectively with coaches and administrative staff to encourage optimal experiences for participants.

Demonstrating and supervising sports practices and skills clinics, exercise techniques, and group fitness classes.

Evaluating children’s fitness levels and abilities to customize and continually modify exercise programs to meet their needs and goals appropriately.

Representing the Greenville YMCA at various community events for children, serving as an advocate for youth physical education and fitness.

Certified Gym Instructor; trained and certified in basic first aid and CPR.

With my proven record of skillfully coordinating and leading youth athletic events and programs, I am prepared to exceed your expectations for this role. I look forward to discussing the position and my qualifications in further detail. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Robyn J. Borden

Include These Gym Instructor Skills

  • Program design and leadership
  • Solid understanding of the rules and techniques of various sports
  • A keen ability to communicate effectively with children
  • Positivity and a high level of energy
  • Commitment to safety
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