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Free Internal Auditor cover letter example

Dear Ms. Martins:

When I learned of Kelper & Garrison’s need for an Internal Auditor, I felt compelled to submit the enclosed resume. As an experienced auditing manager with more than 13 years of experience directing all facets of internal audits—as well as complementary expertise in general accounting operations—I am well positioned to exceed your expectations for this role.

From analyzing financial reports and ensuring regulatory compliance to identifying mismanagement of funds and analyzing business risks, I excel in strategically directing all business aspects to facilitate internal audit execution. My demonstrated success in driving teams to top performance levels—along with my dedication to mitigating risk and waste—prepares me to make a significant impact on your accounting team.

Consider the following highlights of my experience:

Driving all aspects of internal audit engagements and preparing audit plans by developing key risk assessment models.

Accurately and expeditiously managing financial statements and analyses, evaluating internal controls, and providing technical guidance to auditing staff.

Recovering more than $890K by identifying and rectifying errors in contract billings and SMO reports.

Suggesting and implementing improved and highly efficient internal accounting policies, procedures, and controls designed to maximize profitability and accuracy.

Excelling within time-sensitive, fast-paced atmospheres while resolving issues and motivating teams to achieve maximum productivity and efficiency.

Earning an MBA in 2003 from the University of Pennsylvania, as well as a Bachelor of Science in Accounting in 2001.

With my experience in performing comprehensive internal auditing operations, combined with my inherent leadership, interpersonal, and organizational skills, I am ready to provide outstanding service within your company. I look forward to discussing the position with you in further detail. Thank you for your consideration.


Jennifer E. Hall

Include These Internal Auditor Skills

  • Knowledge of accounting principles and databases
  • Attention to details
  • An investigative nature and observation spirit
  • Analytical thinking
  • Sound judgment and decision-making
  • Integrity and confidentiality
  • Computer competences
  • Effective communication
  • Good presentation skills
  • Time management
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