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Free Resident Advisor cover letter example

Dear Mr. Horne:

It is with great enthusiasm that I am sending this letter and the enclosed resume in application for the Resident Advisor position available. As a personable, reliable, and mature graduate of Reed College with key experience in various student support roles, excellent communication talents, and a commitment to helping residents overcome various challenges and difficulties, I would be a valuable asset to your college in this position.

My background includes serving as a Resident Assistant in the Winkler Dormitory at Reed College, working collaboratively with fellow RAs to plan, implement, and monitor creative programs to foster ongoing student development and maximize positive resident interactions. Having now graduated with a degree in Sociology, I am prepared to use my education and knowledge to benefit the residents at your college. With strong inner motivation, an outgoing and friendly demeanor, and superior organization talents, I am prepared to excel in this role.

Highlights of my qualifications include…

Serving as an RA for two consecutive years at Reed College, providing emotional, social, and academic support to approximately 75 freshmen and sophomore residents as a live-in advisor and resource.

Promoting a positive living environment by coordinating and leading programs and events aimed at fostering improved resident interaction, cohesion, and community building.

Creating and updating informational boards to inform students of upcoming campus activities and events while promoting diversity, academics, and health.

Assisting residents during crisis and emergency situations and referring them to appropriate resources as needed.

Upholding college policies and documenting incidents of policy violations for report to administration.

Mediating difficult discussions and interactions between students to facilitate issue resolution.

With my strong background in resident/student support, I am well equipped to extend my record of service to your college. I welcome the opportunity to discuss this position and my qualifications with you further.

Thank you for your consideration.


Thomas R. Bennett

Include These Resident Advisor Skills

  • A good academic record (for students working as Resident Advisor)
  • Collaboration and good interpersonal skills
  • Effective communication
  • Problem-solving orientation
  • Computer literacy
  • Resourcefulness
  • Leadership
  • Knowledge of maintenance issues
  • Responsibility
  • An approachable manner
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