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Free Travel Writer cover letter example

Dear Ms. Allyson:

Upon review of your posting for a travel writer, I felt compelled to submit my resume for your consideration. As an experienced, creative, and travel-savvy professional writer with extensive expertise in travel content development and publication, I am confident that I would significantly contribute to the objectives of your company.

My career accomplishments include writing travel articles for highly reputable print publications and websites, covering topics ranging from tourist attractions and transportation to the travel industry across North America, South America, Europe, and the South Pacific. Furthermore, my superior interpersonal skills allow me to excel at communicating with locals, publication managers, editors, and other professionals to gather information and produce relevant, compelling, and insightful content.

Consider the following highlights of my qualifications:

Writing and publishing travel articles and content for various publications – including the Go Girls’Guide to Europe, Mainstay South America, New Zealand Today, and The Lost America – with total circulation of up to 90,000

Contributing more than 250 articles throughout the past 10 years for online publications and blogs covering travel across the world

Collaborating with publication teams, including editors and fellow writers, to develop original content ideas, submit articles and features, and make strategic recommendations for future content ideas and direction

Played a pivotal role as a key member of a team tasked with creating and publishing a travel guide to Fiji; guide was successfully published and distributed in 2015 and earned praise from both critics and readers alike

Communicating routinely with PR representatives, communications specialists, and marketing staff at tourism and convention bureaus and tour operators

Interacting effectively and personably with people from varying countries, ethnicities, and cultures

Possessing outstanding organization, prioritization, communication, and problem-solving talents; demonstrating a flexible nature and an adventurous and open-minded spirit

With a proven track record of success in travel writing and publication, I am positioned to vastly exceed your expectations for this role and substantially benefit your team. I look forward to discussing the position in further detail.

Thank you for your consideration.


Elizabeth A. Drake

Include These Travel Writer Skills

  • Content development and publication
  • Travel industry expertise
  • Travel trends
  • Team collaboration
  • Article writing and development
  • Copyediting and proofreading
  • Travel and destination reviews
  • Scheduling and time management
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