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Free School Administrative Assistant cover letter example

Dear Ms. Melina:

If you are looking for an organized, personable, and skilled multitasker with strong experience supporting a range of administrative and secretarial tasks for school principals and leadership staff, I invite you to consider the enclosed resume outlining my previous experience and skill set. With more than 11 years of experience in a support position with Darrington Day School, my abilities and accomplishments are sure to make me an excellent fit as your next School Administrative Assistant.

My background comprises excellent skills in front office reception, correspondence, student records management, attendance tracking, report generation, and program coordination. Backed by superior communication and time management capabilities, I excel at providing exceptional organizational support and driving optimal efficiency while often going above and beyond the call of duty to ensure outstanding school functioning and student / teacher satisfaction.

Highlights of my experience include the following:

Managing scheduling, mail, attendance, phone coverage, document management, supplies maintenance, and office equipment to achieve top-level office performance as an Administrative Assistant with Darrington Day Academy.

Scheduling parent conferences, classroom and faculty schedules, early release days, and field trips while coordinating all relating logistical tasks.

Contributing as a key member of a team tasked with developing short- and long-term objectives—in areas such as attendance, home visits, and immunizations—in accordance with the principal’s goals.

Earning the Parent/Teacher Association Excellence Award in recognition of superior school support and overall dedication.

Serving as the first point of contact for parents and students, demonstrating superior interpersonal talents.

Interacting with multiple personalities to streamline functions, improve internal processes, and achieve school success.

Possessing top-level proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and ATS.

With my proven commitment to delivering the highest level of administrative support in school offices, I am well prepared to extend my record of exceptional service to Troy Spindler Middle School. I would appreciate the chance to discuss this position with you in more detail.

Thank you for your consideration.


Martha M. Click

Include These School Administrative Assistant Skills

  • Knowledge of school operations
  • Organizational skills
  • Problem solving orientation
  • Clerical and administrative skills
  • Computer competences
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills
  • Attention to details
  • Time management
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