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Free Summer Camp Counselor cover letter example

Dear Mr. Wolfe:

As an enthusiastic and energetic individual with solid experience leading summer camp programs for children aged 8 to 12, I am excited to submit the enclosed resume for your review. My dedication to ensuring active, fun, and engaging kids’camp experiences positions me to strongly benefit Horizon Star Camp as its newest Summer Camp Counselor.

Recreational program coordination, activity oversight, and team collaboration and leadership are just a few of the areas in which I excel. Over the past four years I have played a key role in facilitating outstanding summer camp programs with the Berkshire Youth Camp. In this capacity, I have refined my communication, creativity, and motivational skills and have demonstrated an ongoing commitment to fostering exciting, safe, and peer-supportive camp environments.

Highlights of my qualifications include the following:

Thriving as a Camp Counselor with the Berkshire Youth Camp for the past four summers, coordinating hands-on recreational activities, projects, and programs for 50 campers between the ages of 8 and 12 to stimulate fun and engaging camp environments.

Organize activities including campfires, hikes, talent shows, and horseback riding while explaining and enforcing camp rules to ensure maximum camper safety.

Recognized as “Most Enthusiastic Counselor” by campers in the —14 summer camp program.

Successfully help campers to resolve conflicts, preventing further escalation and/or possible termination or loss of camper privileges.

Currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Education from the University of New Hampshire; certified in Basic First Aid and CPR.

Build and sustain positive relationships with campers, families, fellow counselors, volunteers, and community members.

With my experience and my enthusiasm, I am prepared to dedicate myself to the highest standards of excellence at your camp and exceed your expectations for this position. I look forward to discussing this opportunity in more detail.

Thank you for your consideration.


Wesley L. Hall

Include These Summer Camp Counselor Skills

  • Counseling expertise
  • Leadership
  • Supervisory skills
  • Attention to details and observation spirit
  • Computer literacy
  • Problem-solving orientation
  • Being able to stay calm under pressure and decision-making
  • Teamwork
  • Organization and planning
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