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Free HR Specialist cover letter example

Dear Ms. Stevenson:

As a skilled human resources professional with expertise in recruiting and training staff, overseeing benefits administration, and managing employee relations, I am pleased to present the enclosed resume. I am confident that you will find my dedication and enthusiastic attitude to be of value to your organization as your next HR Specialist.

My experience in human resources operations—including interviewing and hiring employees, coordinating benefits, and processing insurance/disability claims—has prepared me to make a significant contribution to The Rosebud Corporation. Currently I coordinate all aspects of HR functions for Pivotal Publishing, and I have made significant contributions to maximizing employee performance levels through innovative and effective processes and programs.

Highlights of my experience include…

Driving a full spectrum of human resources functions, including talent acquisition, orientations, benefits, compensation structuring, and process redesigns to generate streamlined and efficient operations and achieve organizational objectives.

Establishing solid and trusting relationships through exceptional communication skills; utilizing superior organizational, interpersonal, and presentation skills to propel programs and teams to peak results.

Holding a Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources Management; currently pursuing my MBA with a concentration in Human Resources (expected 2017).

Managing payroll coordination, employee attendance, performance reviews, and staff records maintenance while ensuring compliance with corporate and legal policies and procedures.

Attaining comprehensive expertise in a wide variety of benefits, insurance, and disability claims processes.

With my finely honed skills in recruiting, communication, and organization, accompanied by my core strengths in human resources and benefits administration, I am well positioned to vastly exceed your expectations as your next HR Specialist. It will be a pleasure to offer more insight into my qualifications, and I look forward to meeting with you soon; thank you for your consideration.


Gregory M. Ash

Include These HR Specialist Skills

  • Human resources expertise
  • Managerial skills
  • Organization and planning
  • Strategic thinking
  • Analytical skills
  • Computer proficiency
  • Excellent interpersonal abilities
  • Confidentiality and diplomacy
  • Being able to work under pressure
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