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Free Legal Intern cover letter example

Dear Ms. Williams:

Upon review of your posting for a Legal Intern, I felt compelled to submit my resume for your consideration. With my comprehensive knowledge of legal principles coupled with a fervent commitment to providing exceptional client service, I would significantly benefit your team in this internship role.

From conducting in-depth legal research and preparing case files to analyzing client information and preparing synopses for supervising attorneys, my versatile background has prepared me to excel in a role supporting legal operations. With a solid foundation in the fundamentals of legal strategies, my excellent communication talents, my resourcefulness, and my time management capabilities position me ready to thrive in this challenging field and to broaden my skill set within your firm.

Highlights of my qualifications include the following:

Pursuing a law degree from Jacksonville University (expected in 2018).

Possess overarching knowledge of core legal principles while honing my skills in legal research, case management, discovery requests, client interviews, and document preparation.

Observing and participating in mock client meetings, trials, mediations, and outreach efforts.

Capable of effectively communicating with district attorneys, judges, police officials, and clients to establish collaborative working relationships.

Able to leverage superior organizational, analytical, and interpersonal skills to greatly contribute to legal projects and complex cases.

With my previous academic-based experience in the legal field, coupled with my enthusiasm and dedication to achieving success, I believe I could swiftly surpass your expectations for this role. I look forward to discussing the position in further detail. Thank you for your consideration.


Jeffrey M. Peters

Include These Legal Intern Skills

  • Knowledge of law procedures and terminology
  • Being able to follow instructions
  • An interest for learning new things
  • Attention to details and accuracy
  • Research skills
  • Time management
  • Computer competences
  • Stamina and perseverance
  • Telephone etiquette
  • Communication and interpersonal abilities
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