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Free Treasurer cover letter example

Dear Ms. Glover:

As a successful Treasurer with extensive experience managing and driving the financials of large organizations to generate unsurpassed revenue growth, I felt compelled to submit my resume for the open position of Treasurer at Golin College. I am an extremely focused, driven and results-oriented leader with extensive skills in the areas of revenue acceleration, market analysis, financial planning, and business. I am now seeking the opportunity to utilize my experience for your firm as a Treasurer.

My highlights range from creating budget and finance reports, maintaining checking and savings accounts, and overseeing the development and implementation of budgets to ensure financial security. A sample of key contributions from my career includes:

Reconciled bank statements on a regular basis resulting in accurate reporting of financial records.

Matched invoices, purchase orders, and packing slips in order to recognize valid financial obligations

Generated purchase orders for corporate expenses of $300k annually

Collected 1099 tax forms from vendors and officials required by the IRS

My extensive financial experience puts me in a strong position to manage and improve the financial security of your institution. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my offerings with you in a more personal setting, and I have included my contact information for your convenience. Thank you in advance for your consideration, and I look forward to our conversation.


Carter H. Hunt

Include These Treasurer Skills

  • financial expertise
  • business acumen
  • analytical thinking
  • networking skills
  • communication skills
  • computer proficiency
  • Bachelor’s Degree in finance or accounting
Treasurer Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

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