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Free Technical Project Manager cover letter example

Dear Mr. Fitzpatrick:

Upon review of your posting for a Technical Project Manager, I felt compelled to submit my resume for your consideration. As an experienced and certified Project Management Professional with comprehensive expertise in directing the implementation of a wide variety of complex IT systems and solutions, I am confident that I would significantly contribute to the objectives of your company.

My career accomplishments consist of more than 13 years of experience piloting sophisticated technology projects, developing product requirements, and analyzing support strategies and processes to facilitate improved operations and efficiency. My superior communication and problem-solving skills allow me to excel in driving teams through all facets of project life cycles and ensuring optimal client experiences.

Consider the following highlights of my qualifications:

Applying expertise in developing and managing multimillion-dollar projects and initiatives for major commercial and federal organizations including Pfizer, Windermere, Platform Media, and Genesis; designing support strategies and creating comprehensive solutions to drive business success.

Spearheading teams in the coordination and management of project plans, development strategies, business proposals, risk analyses, budgeting and forecasting, contract negotiations, UA testing, and resource allocation.

Providing essential consultative support and building key client relationships through effective interpersonal, organizational, and leadership abilities.

Holding an MBA degree from San Francisco State University, as well as the following professional certifications: Project Management Professional (PMP), Professional Scrum Master I, and Certified Business Analyst.

With a proven track record of leading project management teams through technical installations and development cycles of systems and programs for a broad range of clients, I am positioned to significantly exceed your expectations for this role and substantially benefit your company. I look forward to discussing the position, and my qualifications, in more detail.

Thank you for your consideration.


Shelley M. Duffin

Include These Technical Project Manager Skills

  • Technical skills
  • Project management expertise
  • Computer proficiency
  • Leadership
  • Being able to motivate team members
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Availability for travel
  • Problem-solving abilities
  • Organization and time management
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