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Free Technical Support Specialist cover letter example

Dear Mr. Grace,

I am submitting my resume for the open position of Technical Support Specialist. With more than five years of experience in technical support as well as an additional two years of experience in customer service, I am confident that I would be a strong asset to Sunrise Industries.

My professional experience includes installing and configuring many different computer systems, successfully identifying and solving previously undiscovered hardware and software problems, meticulously documenting each fix and update for future reference, using a variety of advanced diagnostic tools, keeping systems secure and up to date and assisting both colleagues and customers with a variety of technical issues.

The following are some highlights of my experience and qualifications:

Earned my associate’s degree in IT from Great Plains University

Worked directly with customers as a technical support representative for Superior Purchase Electronics

Worked as an in-house technical support associate for Grayson Technologies

Received voluntary CompTIA A+ Certification

Helped hundreds of customers solve problems with their home computers

Fixed office computer systems as well as individual work computers

Kept accurate documentation of each case

Followed up with customers and colleagues to ensure that no further issues had arisen

I am eager to bring my technical skills and team-oriented work ethic to Sunrise Industries, and I look forward to discussing this position with you further.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Stephen Hines

Include These Technical Support Specialist Skills

  • Comprehensive technical knowledge
  • Customer service skills
  • Excellent verbal and written communication
  • Analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Working knowledge of diagnostic tools
  • Familiarity with all major desktop operating systems such as Windows, iOS, and Linux
  • Strong documentation skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Ability to create thorough and accurate documentation
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