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Free Windows Administrator cover letter example

Dear Ms. Berry:

Please accept my application for the open Windows administrator position at CSRT Inc. I have in-depth work experience overseeing, installing, configuring, and debugging server infrastructures and data-center operations in the Windows platform, and I feel I will be a huge asset to your company.

In my professional capacity, I have had to draw on my problem-solving skills and ability to lead and manage teams while maintaining systems and applications and designing and implementing an effective backup and recovery policy. I have extensive experience diagnosing and troubleshooting Windows processing problems and have applied solutions to increase company efficiency. In addition, my computer science degree has given me a solid foundation in a wide range of areas.

The following is a summary of my key contributions as a Windows administrator:

Supported servers and desktops of 130+ clients in a Windows NT 3.51 environment

Improved developer performance by upgrading and maintaining 115+ desktops and servers utilizing imaging software

Developed and researched IT business solutions

Verified that security updates, inventory, and all other compliancy issues were met

Coordinated with management to finalize system designs and confirm requirements

Ensured network, system, and data availability and integrity through preventive maintenance and upgrades

I am a highly qualified candidate prepared to successfully undertake all responsibilities as CSRT’s newest Windows administrator. I am able to create and deliver innovative solutions to enhance organizational development, and strive to exceed expectations in all areas of my work. I would like the opportunity to join your company and mission. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss my application further.


David S. Hawkins

Include These Windows Administrator Skills

  • Programming proficiency
  • Project management
  • Troubleshooting
  • Analytical thinking
  • Communication skills
  • Problem-solving skills
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