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Free Lawyer cover letter example

Dear Mr. Kelber:

As an accomplished and skilled lawyer with comprehensive experience in providing legal negotiation and representation to a diverse client base, I am well prepared to surpass your expectations. With this in mind, I invite your firm to consider the enclosed resume as you look to fulfill your opening for a lawyer.

With more than 17 years of experience providing extensive general legal services and advice’specializing in a variety of areas including corporate law, real estate, tax law, estate planning, and bankruptcy claims—I am sure to make an immediate and positive contribution to your legal team. My demonstrated success in advising both individual and corporate clients on optimal legal planning and strategies positions me to make a significant impact on your firm.

My qualifications include the following:

Drafting, reviewing, negotiating, and litigating broad range of legal cases for multiple client types while effectively interpreting laws, rules, and regulations and analyzing probable outcomes.

Representing clients in court and demonstrating proficiency in all civil and contract trial proceedings.

Writing and revising a wide variety of motions, affidavits, interrogatories, and contracts, negotiating with other parties and signing settlement agreements as appropriate.

Demonstrating persistence, persuasion, leadership, and superior communication skills to interact effectively with clients and provide an excellent level of service.

With my background in providing overarching legal advisory services to a wide variety of clients—combined with my inherent understanding of legal contracts, negotiations, and proceedings—I am ready to provide outstanding service within your firm. I look forward to discussing the position with you in further detail.


Sara W. Rounds

Include These Lawyer Skills

  • Excellent knowledge of law
  • Debating and negotiation skills
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Networking
  • Attention to details
  • Self-confidence and perseverance
  • Computer competences
  • Being able to stay calm under pressure
  • Multitasking
  • Teamwork
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