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Free Patent Attorney cover letter example

Dear Ms. Erinson,

Please accept my application for the Patent Attorney position that has become available at Crawford and Shaples. I completed a Graduates Degree in Law at Florida State University College of Law and passed the Patent Bar Certification Exam. In addition to my strong qualification credentials, I have three years of valuable experience as a Patent Attorney at Vital Patents PLLC. I have extensive knowledge of patent court laws, and my excellent communication skills have served the company I worked for as well as my clients well.

As a Patent Attorney at Vital Patents PLLC, I was tasked with advising clients on corporate and intellectual property issues, led contract negotiations to buy licensed products, prepared license agreements, contributed to the patent and trademark process by drafting motions and pleadings and conducted patentability evaluations. I have been successful in all my roles thanks to my exceptional analytical skills and acute attention to detail.

My summarized list of accomplishments appears below:

Negotiated more than a hundred CRADA agreements and wrote waivers for IP Rights

Arranged and took necessary legal action in patent applications in a multitude of technologies such as software algorithms, image processing, and optics

Prosecuted chemical and mechanical patent applications, domestic and foreign.

Contributed in the analysis of patentability opinions

Participated and prepared technology transfer agreements, as well as license agreements, confidentiality agreements, and software agreements

I have the motivation and dedication to make a success of the Patent Attorney position at Crawford and Shaples. I am a conscientious worker and am meticulous in paying attention to details. I would be delighted to discuss in person with you at your convenience my suitability for this position.


April McCall

Include These Patent Attorney Skills

  • Thorough attention to detail.
  • Analytical skills
  • Law school graduate
  • IT skills
  • Communication skills
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