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Free Prosecutor cover letter example

Dear Mr. Oldham:

As a highly skilled lawyer with eight years of prosecutorial experience with the state of New Hampshire, I am prepared to make a significant contribution to the Concord County Court in a Prosecutor role. With my credentials and experience in mind, I invite you to consider the enclosed resume.

From criminal investigation and police communication to trial litigation and settlement negotiation, I possess an extensive background in representing the state of New Hampshire in trials, hearings, and court appearances. Furthermore, I have earned a reputation as a tough negotiator and a dedicated prosecutor with meticulous attention to detail and a dedication to upholding the laws of the criminal justice system. These attributes, combined with my superior problem solving and research talents, will allow me to make a significant impact in this role.

My qualifications include the following:

Conducting in-depth legal research, planning, analysis, and representation in District and State Courts while demonstrating proficiency in evidence compilation, plea negotiation, pre-trial motions and appeals, and outcome analysis and projection.

Successfully prosecuting various felony cases as lead trial attorney, including numerous jury trials.

Demonstrating persistence, persuasion, leadership, and superior communication skills to interact effectively with legal staff, judicial personnel, and investigative teams.

Achieving Bar Membership in the US District Court for the District of New Hampshire; law degree obtained from the University of New Hampshire.

With my background in representing the state of New Hampshire in felony criminal cases, I am ready to provide outstanding service with the Concord County Court. I look forward to discussing this opportunity with you in further detail.

Thank you for your consideration.


John W. Reagan

Include These Prosecutor Skills

  • Legal knowledge
  • Critical thinking
  • Logical reasoning
  • Excellent reading and writing skills
  • Integrity
  • confidentiality
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Decision-making
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