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Free New Teacher cover letter example

Dear Mr. Atwell:

As a skilled and enthusiastic emerging teacher with experience developing lesson plans and curriculum for 7th– and 8th-grade students, it is my pleasure to submit the enclosed resume for your review. My background, communication strengths, and passion for education positions me to significantly impact your school.

Classroom management, personalized learning programs, and innovative educational techniques are just a few of the areas in which I excel. By teaching students across a range of subjects and capacities in a student teaching role, I have honed my creativity, presentation, and motivational skills. My inherent passion for fostering collaborative and exciting educational environments is certain to encourage and develop productive, thoughtful, and accomplished young students.

Highlights of my qualifications include…

Recently receiving an MA in Education from the University of North Carolina, as well as my North Carolina Teacher Certification.

Building and sustaining strong student relationships, encouraging student queries, comments, and concerns and laying the foundation for a dynamic and exciting classroom environment.

Creating and implementing hands-on, project-based educational activities and programs to facilitate an engaging approach to education while stimulating students’enjoyment and appreciation for learning.

Demonstrating excellent communication, interpersonal, and leadership talents.

With my experience and credentials, I am well prepared to dedicate myself to the highest standards of learning at your school and exceed your expectations for this position. I look forward to discussing my qualifications in detail. Thank you for your consideration.


Troy J. Holman

Include These New Teacher Skills

  • Teaching skills
  • Classroom control
  • Enthusiasm and stamina
  • Commitment and reliability
  • Computer competences
  • Organization and planning
  • Attention to details and accuracy
  • An interest in new technologies and ways to use them during the educational process.
New Teacher Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

A professional cover letter is the first step toward your new job!