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Free Social Media Manager cover letter example

Dear Ms. Foreman:

Achieving success in the social media marketing world requires the ability to update and share relevant content, engage with company followers, and cover special events to stimulate outstanding customer experiences and build a loyal client base. As an enthusiastic marketing professional with a comprehensive knowledge of diverse social media channels and strategies, I am well prepared to offer these strengths—and many others’to make a significant impact on your organization as your next Social Media Manager.

From monitoring trends and analyzing metrics to driving brand awareness and increasing SEO, my expertise can be leveraged to enable successful marketing and online communications strategies. I excel at leading efficient and productive teams and implementing forward-thinking strategies and concepts to create and sustain revenue growth.

Following are highlights of my qualifications:

Overseeing social media content for high-profile companies while working effectively and collaboratively with bloggers, fans, and key influencers to propel corporate presence and customer engagement.

Dramatically increasing website traffic from 7,000 average monthly visitors to more than 29,000 and nearly doubling social referrals from 390 average monthly referrals to 765 as Social Media Manager for Nibo, Inc.

Creating customer engagement and digital communication initiatives, such as contests and giveaways, to elevate brands’image.

Analyzing and reporting social media presence, engagement, and effectiveness across all platforms to boost overall impact and performance.

Invigorating corporate brand identities through proven and innovative social media strategies designed to incorporate company values and talents.

Considering my proven talent for overseeing the development and management of ambitious social media marketing content—combined with my ability to motivate teams and stimulate enduring customer relationships—I am well positioned to immensely benefit New Vixen. I look forward to discussing the position further with you. Thank you for your consideration.


Nora J. Richards

Include These Social Media Manager Skills

  • An interest in social media and digital technologies
  • Business acumen
  • Computer proficiency
  • Strong writing skills
  • Customer service
  • Research skills
  • Problem-solving orientation
  • Teamwork
  • Time management and deadline sensitivity
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