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Free Category Manager cover letter example

Dear Ms. Gates:

Upon discovering your posting for a Category Manager, I hastened to submit my resume for your review. As an experienced and motivated retail product and category specialist with outstanding experience in shopper and category analysis and direction, I am prepared to significantly contribute to Talk Soup’s goals in this role.

My background spans excellent experience leading strategic sales/merchandising planning, revenue generation, category and shopper management analysis, and key insights to drive business and customer service success. From propelling incremental product sales to analyzing data to identify new opportunities for expansion, I excel at managing teams, stimulating sales and revenue growth, and realizing maximum levels of customer service and satisfaction through keen customer needs analysis and outstanding relationship management.

Highlights of my experience include:

Progressing through numerous promotions with Swingset, Inc., culminating in current position as Category Manager in which I hold full responsibility for a $125M retail portfolio of the company’s flagship products; expanding portfolio by 37% in —15, 46% in —16, and 29% YTD in —17 by developing and executing strategic action plans.

Skillfully analyzing consumer and category insights to identify strategic opportunities and implement recommendations to propel category sales growth.

Researching and tracking competitor product offerings to identify future opportunities.

Collaborating effectively with internal and external cross-functional teams to accelerate sales growth and realize significant business gains at the customer level.

Demonstrating unparalleled analytical, training, communication, and presentation skills throughout my career.

My skills in category management and shopper and category insight analysis have been finely honed, and I am confident my strengths will render me an immediate asset to your team. The chance to offer more insight into my qualifications would be most appreciated.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Robert K. Chacon

Include These Category Manager Skills

  • Merchandising and pricing
  • Product positioning and messaging
  • Shopper and category insight/analysis
  • Budget development/management
  • Portfolio management and expansion
  • Sales and revenue acceleration
  • Networking and relationship building
  • Staff coaching and leadership
Category Manager Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

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