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Free COO cover letter example

Dear Mr. Sparrow:

Upon learning of your search for an experienced COO, I felt compelled to submit my resume for your review. As a seasoned, visionary executive with a strong history of driving business expansion opportunities, managing and sustaining client relationships, and efficiently managing cross-functional business operations, I stand to significantly contribute to your company’s objectives in this position.

My expertise lies in successfully developing and implementing strategic workflow processes, expanding business opportunities, liaising with internal and external stakeholders, and managing staff deployments to maximize productivity, efficiency, and revenue growth. Through my more than 15 years of experience, I have become adept in overseeing a wide variety of operational responsibilities to ensure outstanding customer service and optimize employee development and performance. My additional success in building, training, and managing teams positions me to make an immediate and positive impact as your next COO.

Following are highlights of my qualifications:

Conceptualized and introduced strategic operational, HR, and business development initiatives to accelerate the achievement of corporate objectives, maximize profit margins, and reduce operational costs.

Orchestrated company-wide rollout of Microsoft Office 2015 products to measurably improve employee experiences and workflow efficiency as Operations Director with Metia; simultaneously launched Social Media and Internet Usage Policy to steer internal culture change.

Recognized as member of Metia’s executive team; steered numerous internal committees focused on assessing and ultimately improving various departments’productivity and performance.

Forged and managed strategic, profitable partnerships with decision-makers, management teams, and peers to maximize business development efforts.

Leveraged top-flight analytical, communication, and time management talents to facilitate corporate goal achievement and overall success.

My dedication to optimizing operational performance and driving business development and advantage, along with my proven talents in team leadership and project management, characterize my career accomplishments and will allow me to greatly benefit your team. I look forward to discussing this position in further detail.

Thank you for your consideration.


Clayton M. Davis

Include These COO Skills

  • Business acumen and commercial awareness
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Managerial experience
  • Self-confidence and presentation abilities
  • Organization and strategic planning
  • Computer proficiency
  • Being able to work under pressure
  • Time management and work prioritization
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