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Free Spanish Teacher cover letter example

Dear Ms. Garcia:

As a skilled and enthusiastic teacher with key experience developing Spanish language curriculum while maintaining an unwavering focus on capturing student interest and engagement, it is my pleasure to submit the enclosed resume for your review. My background and passion for education and the Spanish language positions me to significantly impact your school as your new Spanish Teacher.

For the past eleven years, I have excelled as the Spanish Teacher at Riverview Middle School in Pittsburgh, PA. Having now relocated to the Boston area, I am excited to put my experience and credentials to work for the benefit of a new school. Classroom management, pronunciation and grammar instruction, and student performance evaluation are just a few of my areas of expertise. By teaching students from a wide range of backgrounds and learning styles, I have honed my communication, creativity, and motivational skills. My inherent passion for fostering collaborative and exciting educational environments has successfully encouraged and developed productive, thoughtful, and accomplished students.

Highlights of my qualifications include:

Creating individualized plans and programs to facilitate a targeted, personalized approach to education while stimulating students’enjoyment and appreciation for the Spanish language.

Incorporating non-language components of the Hispanic culture into classroom lessons, including areas such as cooking, holidays, family traditions, and current political events.

Continually attending professional development seminars to remain abreast of new technologies and alternative delivery methods; integrating tools such as hand-outs, presentations, videos, online activities, and foreign language laboratory offerings into classes.

Serving as a Spanish translator during parent-teacher conferences.

Holding a Master’s Degree in Spanish as well as newly acquired teaching credentials in the state of Massachusetts.

With my experience and credentials, I am highly prepared to dedicate myself to the highest standards of Spanish instruction at your school. I look forward to discussing your school’s needs, and my qualifications, in further detail.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Robert S. Knupp

Include These Spanish Teacher Skills

  • Spanish language fluency
  • Instruction skills
  • Classroom control
  • The ability to motivate students
  • Patience and perseverance
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Stamina and being able to work under pressure
  • Computer literacy
  • Organizational skills
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