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Free Shift Manager cover letter example

Dear Ms. Balke:

I am sending my resume at this time to be considered for your vacant Shift Manager position at Query Works. As you will see, my professional and educational background have allowed me to develop the leadership, team-building and quality management skills needed to successfully fill the position you are offering.

I have worked in both retail and production settings and have managed teams on first-, second- and third shifts. Throughout my 10+ years in this field, I have consistently met production, customer service and safety goals set by the companies for which I worked.

In addition, I have been responsible for arranging training schedules for new and existing employees and assisting managers in creating and presenting company goals to shift workers. With strong communication and interpersonal skills, I have been able for form effective working relationships with executive managers, assistant managers and other shift managers as well as outside vendors, delivery personnel and sales representatives.

Below, I have highlighted a few of my qualifications that I feel best reflect my ability to assume your Shift Manager position:

Created and implemented training schedule for all third-shift new hires at Warp Factory

Managed safety programs for second-shift workers at Tanami Industries

Worked with HR to interview, hire and assess the performance of second-shift employees at Patchwork Systems

Set and motivated employees to reach customer service and quality control goals for first-shift workers at Giant Steps

Awarded Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Thomas Edison State University

My strong knowledge of federal and state workplace safety guidelines and regulations, coupled with my time management and organizational skills, will prove invaluable to the continuing success of your company.

I look forward to discussing details about this position and my professional background whenever it is most convenient for you.

Thank you for your consideration.


Richard M. Collett

Include These Shift Manager Skills

  • Leadership skills
  • Customer service-oriented
  • Oral and written communication skills
  • Organizational skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Time management skills
  • Ability to work in teams
  • Quality management abilities
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